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Freedom From The Self

Thinking can never be free Stems from the conditioning deep in our minds Cultural...Social...Literary tree Glued to us putting us in a bind We think our thoughrs are free But are they really? ? Any books or poems for that matter that we read Or the ideals or the principles that we lead Are all rooted to the mind thats been fed All the learning from the life we have led Every thought being a result from that Whats the newness, may I ask? ? Just be aware of what that signifies Observe what it means, do not fight Try and slowly uncondition the mind Without a conflict that can make you blind Make the mind still, remove all thoughts Remove the veil of words, maybe it blots? ? A flash of understanding, a rapidity of insight When mind is not burdened by its own noise It is the memory that really interevenes Challenge and Response in between A chattering mind cannot understand Truth... which is like a thief creeping into a still night.

Tranquil Ocean

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